[R] Reading in FORTRAN data using R

Tyler Hayes thayes at uwo.ca
Tue Feb 7 21:30:40 CET 2006

Hi There:

I was wondering if there is a way to read FORTRAN list data (similar to 
IDL's readf function).  I often use FORTRAN for most of my number 
crunching, and use something like IDL to visualize and perform 
statistical analysis on that data.  Since the each file is rather large 
(>100 Mb), formatting the output into columns or tables is impractical, 
hence the "list" style.  Please note, this is NOT binary data, but text 
output with no FORMAT.  For example:

My FORTRAN code writes out:

      write(30,'(a20)') fnmod
      write(30,'(a20)') fnstr
      write(30,*) nfault,hpl,vplx,vply,taua,tauf,amuu,
     &      tminn,tstepp,itime,TBIS,bulkms,ntm,ncycle,pdcy
      write(30,*) ptrad
      write(30,'(a1)') respfb
      write(30,*) (timi(n), n=1,nfault)
      write(30,*) (taub(n), n=1,nfault)
      write(30,*) (delts(n), n=1,nf)
      write(30,*) (cfr(n), n=1,nfault)
      write(30,*) (dfr(n), n=1,nfault)
      write(30,*) (slpdf(n), n=1,nf2)
      write(30,*) (slpv(n), n=1,nfault)
      write(30,*) (rhofcc(n), n=1,nfault)
      write(30,*) (islip(n), n=1,nfault)

(NOTE: not all variables are the same length!)

I subsequently read in back the data as:


      read(30,'(a20)') fnmod
      read(30,'(a20)') fnstr
      read(30,*) nfault,hpl,vplx,vply,taua,tauf,amuu,
     &     tminn,tstepp,ntime,TBIS,bulkms,ntm,ncycle,pdcy
      read(30,*) ptrad
      read(30,'(a1)') respfb
      read(30,*) (timi(n), n=1,nfault)
      read(30,*) (taub(n), n=1,nfault)
      read(30,*) (delts(n), n=1,nf)
      read(30,*) (cfr(n), n=1,nfault)
      read(30,*) (dfr(n), n=1,nfault)
      read(30,*) (slpdf(n), n=1,nf2)
      read(30,*) (slpv(n), n=1,nfault)
      read(30,*) (rhofcc(n), n=1,nfault)
      read(30,*) (islip(n), n=1,nfault)

read.fwf is not what I need from what I read and neither is read.fortran.

How would I go about reading in the above unformatted Fortran file within R?

Sorry if the question is somewhat trivial, but I am a complete nube to R 
(installed it 2 weeks ago) and am just getting caught up to speed.

Thanks for any advice you may have.



Tyler Joseph Hayes
PhD Candidate, Geophysics
The University of Western Ontario
Department of Earth Sciences
B & GS Building - RM 154
London, Ontario N6A 5B7

email: thayes at uwo.ca
TEL  : 519.661.3187 (main office)
FAX  : 519.661.3198
CELL : 416.655.7897

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