[R] how to extract predicted values from a quantreg fit?

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Mon Feb 6 09:37:01 CET 2006

Denis Chabot <chabotd <at> globetrotter.net> writes:

.... Quantreg package ....

> But I'd like to extract the predicted values. The help for  
> predict.qss1 indicates this:
> predict.qss1(object, newdata, ...)
> and states that newdata is a data frame describing the observations  
> at which prediction is to be made.
>  > y <- rnorm(500, 10, 5)
>  > x <- rep(seq(1,50,1), 10)
>  > My.data <- data.frame(x, y)
>  > My.x <- data.frame(x=seq(5,45))
>  >
>  > fit <- rqss(y ~ qss(x, lambda=5), tau=0.05)
>  > pred <- predict.qss1(fit, My.x)
> Could someone please help me creating a dataframe "newdata" that  
> would satisfy predict.qss1?

Looks like quantreg has been reworked, but predict was not tested. 
Checking the code, I got a (hopefully) working solution

pred <- predict.qss1(fit$qss[[1]]$xyz, My.x$x)

but this follow neither convention nor documentation. Maybe you should contact
the author of the package to provide an example in the documentation, which
would have show the problem earlier.


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