[R] coded to categorical variables in a large dataset

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Fri Dec 29 20:11:14 CET 2006

## The main reason for wanting such a coding is to use it in
## a linear model.  Therefore, declare the variable to be a factor
## and use it directly.

tmp <- sample(1:5, 40, replace=TRUE)
tmpf <- factor(tmp)
tmp.y <- rnorm(40)

tmp.aov <- aov(tmp.y ~ tmpf)


update(tmp.aov, x=TRUE)$x[1:6,]

## If you really want to see the redundant column 1 of
## of the contrasts, that can be done with the statement

contrasts(tmpf, how.many=5) <- contr.treatment(5, contrasts=FALSE)

tmp2.aov <- aov(tmp.y ~ tmpf)
update(tmp2.aov, x=TRUE)$x[1:6,]

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