[R] writing R extension
ahmad ajakh
aajakh at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 20 23:41:43 CET 2006
Thanks Barry,
I tested this solution and it works. Thanks also to Sarah Goslee for bringing up
alternative ideas. I guess I need to get into building proper packages now.
----- Original Message ----
From: Barry Rowlingson <b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk>
Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:31:09 PM
Subject: Re: [R] writing R extension
Sarah Goslee wrote:
> If that's still too complex, you could also save your function to a file
> and load it as needed with source(). That will give the user the
> same effect.
> source("/path/to/my/stuff/myfiles.R")
> Since you didn't tell us OS or anything else about your system,
> it's hard to be more specific.
Yikes No!
That will load all the objects into the current workspace. If you save
when you quit, you'll end up with umpteen copies of your package code!
For simple bundles of functions, it would be better to use save() to
save them all to a .RData-type file and then 'attach()' it. This way it
doesn't get stuck in your workspace. So:
> foo=function(x){x^2}
> bar=function(y){y^6}
> baz=function(z){z*3}
> myFunctions=c("foo","bar","baz")
> save(list=myFunctions,file="myFunctions.RData")
then quit R, start R in another workspace:
> attach("/path/to/wherever/you/put/myFunctions.RData")
> foo(2)
[1] 4
Building proper _packages_ (never call them 'libraries' - libraries
are collections of packages) isn't that hard once you've done it a dozen
times, although I'm starting the find the bondage and discipline of
packaging R code getting to me.
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