[R] Applying variable labels across a data frame
Gabriel Baud-Bovy
baud-bovy.gabriel at hsr.it
Mon Dec 18 17:32:42 CET 2006
You get a list, not a data.frame. Try,
as.data.frame(lapply( myQFvars, myLabeler ))
At 05:10 PM 12/18/2006, Muenchen, Robert A (Bob) wrote:
>Hi All,
>I'm working on a class example that demonstrates one way to deal with
>factors and their labels. I create a function called myLabeler and apply
>it with lapply. It works on the whole data frame when I subscript it as
>in lapply( myQFvars[ ,myQFnames ], myLabeler ) but does not work if I
>leave the [] subscripts off. I would appreciate it if anyone could tell
>me why. The program below works up until the final two statements.
># Assigning factor labels to potentially lots of vars.
> 1,1,f,1,1,5,1
> 2,2,f,2,1,4,1
> 3,1,f,2,2,4,3
> 4,2,f,3,1, ,3
> 5,1,m,4,5,2,4
> 6,2,m,5,4,5,5
> 7,1,m,5,3,4,4
> 8,2,m,4,5,5,9")
> header=TRUE,sep=",",row.names="id",na.strings="9")
># Create copies of q variables to use as factors
># so we can count them.
>myQlevels <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
>myQlabels <- c("Strongly Disagree",
> "Disagree",
> "Neutral",
> "Agree",
> "Strongly Agree")
># Generate two sets of var names to use.
>myQnames <- paste( "q", 1:4, sep="")
>myQFnames <- paste( "qf", 1:4, sep="")
>print(myQnames) #The original names.
>print(myQFnames) #The names for new factor variables.
># Extract the q variables to a separate data frame.
>myQFvars <- mydata[ ,myQnames]
># Rename all the variables with F for Factor.
>colnames(myQFvars) <- myQFnames
># Create a function to apply the labels to lots of variables.
>myLabeler <- function(x) { factor(x, myQlevels, myQlabels) }
># Here's how to use the function on one variable.
>summary( myLabeler(myQFvars["qf1"]) )
>#Apply it to all the variables. This method works.
>myQFvars[ ,myQFnames] <- lapply( myQFvars[ ,myQFnames ], myLabeler )
>summary(myQFvars) #Here are the results I wanted.
># This is the same as above but using the unsubscripted
># data frame name. It does not work.
>myTest <- lapply( myQFvars, myLabeler )
>summary(myTest) #I'm not sure what these results are.
> Bob Muenchen (pronounced Min'-chen), Manager
> Statistical Consulting Center
> U of TN Office of Information Technology
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> Email: muenchen at utk.edu
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Gabriel Baud-Bovy tel.: (+39) 02 2643 4839 (office)
UHSR University (+39) 02 2643 3429 (laboratory)
via Olgettina, 58 (+39) 02 2643 4891 (secretary)
20132 Milan, Italy fax: (+39) 02 2643 4892
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