[R] Better way to change the name of a column in a dataframe?

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Sat Dec 16 01:49:25 CET 2006

And there is the rename.vars() function in the gdata package.

At 11:39 AM -0600 12/14/06, Ben Fairbank wrote:
>Hello R users --
>If I have a dataframe such as the following, named "frame" with the
>columns intended to be named col1 through col6,
>>  frame
>      col1 col2 cmlo3 col4 col5 col6
>[1,]    3   10     2    6    5    7
>[2,]    6    8     4   10    7    1
>[3,]    7    5     1    3    1    8
>[4,]   10    6     5    4    9    2
>and I want to correct or otherwise change the name of one of the
>columns, I can do so with
>>  dimnames(frame)[[2]][which(dimnames(frame)[[2]]=="cmlo3")] <- "col3"
>which renames the offending column:
>>  frame
>      col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6
>[1,]    3   10    2    6    5    7
>[2,]    6    8    4   10    7    1
>[3,]    7    5    1    3    1    8
>[4,]   10    6    5    4    9    2
>This seems cumbersome and not very intuitive.  How can one accomplish
>this more simply?
>With thanks for any suggestions,
>Ben Fairbank
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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