[R] cohen kappa for two-way table
Dylan Beaudette
dylan.beaudette at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 01:00:06 CET 2006
I am a bit confused by the results returned by the functions:
cohen.kappa {concord}
classAgreement {e1071}
when using a two-way table.
for example, if I have an matrix A, and a similar matrix B (same
dimensions), then:
matrix A and B can be found:
A <- matrix(unlist( read.table('a_40.txt'), use.names=FALSE), ncol=14)
B <- matrix(unlist( read.table('b_40.txt'), use.names=FALSE), ncol=14)
# compute cohen's kappa, default settings:
Kappa test for nominally classified data
9 categories - 90 methods
kappa (Cohen) = 0.97353 , Z = 45.4465 , p = 0
kappa (Siegel) = -0.00744097 , Z = -0.0794501 , p = 0.531663
kappa (2*PA-1) = 0.947061
# compute cohen's kappa - type = counts
cohen.kappa(table(A,B), type='counts')
Different row sums, a no-classification category was added.
Kappa test for nominally classified data
91 categories - 22 methods
kappa (Siegel) = 0.168593 , Z = 2.50298 , p = 0.00615762
kappa (2*PA-1) = 0.71485
it seems like the second method (type='counts') is the correct way to
use a contingency table... but am i correct?
Secondly, when using the classAgreements() function I get different numbers:
[1] 0.03296703
[1] 0.02180419
[1] 0.9874325
[1] 0.7648124
Perhaps I am mis-reading the relevant manual pages. Can anyone shed
some light on the proper use, and therfore interpretation of these two
methods - when using a contingency table as input?
Thanks in advance,
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