[R] Problem with loading "library(Matrix)" at Ubuntu
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Sun Dec 10 23:56:23 CET 2006
On 10 December 2006 at 15:58, Frank Duan wrote:
| Dear All,
| After upgrading to R-2.4.0-dapper2 (my system is ubuntu 6.06 LTS), I often
| met problems when loading some packages like Matrix.
| Here is the details:
| > library(Matrix)
| Error in loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc), keep.source =
| keep.source) :
| in 'Matrix' methods specified for export, but none defined: Arith,
| Math, Math2, +, %*%, Schur, as.matrix, chol, colMeans, colSums, coerce,
| crossprod, determinant, diag, dim, dimnames, dimnames<-, expand, expm,
| kronecker, image, norm, rcond, rowMeans, rowSums, show, solve, t, tcrossprod
| Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Matrix'
| Here is my system:
| > sessionInfo()
| R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)
| i486-pc-linux-gnu
| locale:
| attached base packages:
| [1] "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
| [7] "base"
| I have re-installed the packages after the upgrade. Anyone experienced the
| similar problems?
| Thanks for your help,
This works for me. Are you sure you did 'update.packages()' for everything
R-related, and also have current Ubuntu packages so that you have current
Lastly, make sure you don't have Ubuntu's r-cran-matrix _and_ a direct
installation via R...
Hth, Dirk
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