[R] help-links.sh not found by help.start() -- do I need to recompile?

Ivailo Stoyanov istoyanov at ecolab.bas.bg
Thu Dec 7 18:34:04 CET 2006

Dear Rexperts,

after building R 2.4.0 from source in a temporary directory (*without* 
installation), and subsequently moving the whole source/build tree to 
another location, I have noticed that I had to change the variables 
R_SHARE_DIR, R_INCLUDE_DIR, and R_DOC_DIR in the wrapper-script 
/lib/R/bin/R as to reflect the current situation.

However, when I try to run the HTML help via help.start() I still get an 
error message saying that:

sh: /tmp/r-project-build/usr/lib/R/share/sh/help-links.sh: No such file 
or directory

Interestingly, the system still tries to search for scripts in 
/tmp/r-project-build/, the temporary build directory that clearly isn't 
valid now.

My question is: has the mentioned path become hard-coded in the binaries 
or am I
missing some config-file/wrapper script that needs to be edited in order 
to reflect the current state?

Thank you in advance for any hints!

All the best,

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