[R] using R for survival analysis

Michael McCulloch mm at pinest.org
Tue Dec 5 17:45:52 CET 2006

Thank you to all who made very helpful suggestions to get started with R. 
Duncan Murdoch raised an excellent question, asking about my background and 
reason for using R. I'm an epidemiologist, applying the marginal structural 
models approach (inverse probability of treatment weights) in a Cox 
proportional hazards analysis.

The statistical program which I had been using does not have functions for 
doing a weighted Cox analysis.  Any advice pointing me in the direction of 
resources to help probability-of-treatment-weighted Cox proportional 
hazards would be most appreciated.

Best wishes,


Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Clinic
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine Street, San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel     415.407.1357
fax     415.485.1065
email:  mm at pinest.org
web:    www.pinest.org

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