[R] problem with postscript output of R-devel on Windows
Kimpel, Mark William
mkimpel at iupui.edu
Thu Aug 31 17:27:39 CEST 2006
I have developed a problem with the postscript output of plot on Windows. My code still works properly with R 2.3 but, with R 2.4, the white text on red background does not show up. It does, however, show up when output is sent to the screen. Below is my code and sessionInfo.
R version 2.4.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-08-29 r39012)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages:
[1] "splines" "tools" "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
[9] "base"
other attached packages:
Rgraphviz geneplotter XML GOstats Category hgu95av2 KEGG multtest xtable
"1.11.9" "1.11.8" "0.99-8" "1.6.0" "1.4.1" "1.12.0" "1.8.1" "1.11.2" "1.3-2"
RBGL annotate GO graph Ruuid limma genefilter survival rat2302
"1.8.1" "1.11.5" "1.6.5" "1.11.13" "1.11.2" "2.7.9" "1.11.8" "2.28" "1.12.0"
affy affyio Biobase
"1.11.6" "1.1.8" "1.11.29"
fileName<-paste(experiment, contrast, "FDR", FDR, "Graph", "ps", sep=".")
postscript(file=fileName, paper="special",width=width, height=height) #set up graphics device
plot(result.gN, layout.param, nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs = eAttrs,
main=paste(paste("Experiment:", experiment, "; Contrast:", contrast,"; FDR:", FDR, sep=""), paste("Min. connections ==", min.edges, "Min. citations per connection ==", min.cites, "Additional search criteria:",
termAdditional, sep=" "), sep=" "))
Mark W. Kimpel MD
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