[R] Error in memory allocation

Vito Ricci vito_ricci at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 31 13:47:17 CEST 2006

Dear UseRs,

I need a litle help. 
I'm trying to read a .dat file of about 71 MB using
read.fwf (as data recorded are in fixed width
formatted data). R starts in reading data, but after
some time, about 1/2 hour, I get this error:

Error in .signalSimpleWarning("Reached total
allocation of 510: see help(memory.size)"


R is running under windows:

sysname                       release 
"Windows"                      "NT 5.1" 
version                      nodename 
"(build 2600) Service Pack 2"  "PC-TULIP" 
machine                         login 
"x86"                   "Utente-01" 
user                   "Utente-01" 

Can anyone help me? I need to read those data!

Thanks in advance.


Vito Ricci

Se non ora, quando?
Se non qui, dove?
Se non tu, chi?

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