[R] Rd question: itemize in arguments

Christian Hennig chrish at stats.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Aug 9 16:34:42 CEST 2006

Dear list,

I'm writing Rd files and I'd like to have a list inside the description of 
an argument:

   \item{bootmethod}{vector of strings, defining the methods used for
     resampling. Possible methods:
       \item{"boot"} {Nonparametric bootstrap (precise behaviour is
       controlled by parameters \code{bscompare} and
       \item{"subset"} {Selecting random subsets from the dataset. Size
       determined by \code{subtuning}.}
       \item{"noise"} {Replacing a certain percentage of the points by
       random noise, see \code{noisetuning}.}
       \item{"jitter"} {Add random noise to all points, see
       \code{jittertuning}. (This didn't perform well in Hennig (2006),
       but you may want to get your own experience.)}
       \item{"bojit"} {Nonparametric bootstrap first, and then adding
       noise to the points, see \code{jittertuning}.}

Seemingly this leads to the following warning, running R CMD check:
Found the following significant warnings:
   Warning: missing text for item '"boot"' in \describe
   Warning: missing text for item '"subset"' in \describe
   Warning: missing text for item '"noise"' in \describe
   Warning: missing text for item '"jitter"' in \describe
   Warning: missing text for item '"bojit"' in \describe

(The code above is the only place in any Rd file of my package where
these five strings occurr.)

Is it forbidden to use \itemize inside of \argument?
What went wrong here?


*** --- ***
Christian Hennig
University College London, Department of Statistical Science
Gower St., London WC1E 6BT, phone +44 207 679 1698
chrish at stats.ucl.ac.uk, www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucakche

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