[R] missing documentation entries

Adrian Dusa adi at roda.ro
Wed Aug 9 12:46:55 CEST 2006

Dear list,

When creating a package, there are always many little utility functions that 
belong to the "internal kitchen" of the main, documented functions.
Now, when checking the sources with R CMD check, I get a warning for those 
little functions that are not documented.
I would have two questions:
- is it mandatory to document _all_ functions (will the source package be 
rejected by CRAN if otherwise)?
- if not, is there a way to tell R which are the functions that I don't want 
to document?


Adrian Dusa
Romanian Social Data Archive
1, Schitu Magureanu Bd
050025 Bucharest sector 5
Tel./Fax: +40 21 3126618 \
          +40 21 3120210 / int.101

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