[R] tcl/tk bind destroy event

Jean Coursol coursol at mathens.u-psud.fr
Thu Aug 3 12:06:51 CEST 2006

Perhaps Destroy key is unknown by Tcl; it is not in the
Event modifiers table in Welch Book...
But try with <Control-L> or <Shift-Control_L>, it runs
(but not with <Control_L-Shift> ??).

Use xmodmap to see the current mappings from keys to modifiers.

Jean Coursol

On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Franco Mendolia wrote:

> Hello!
> I want to create a messagebox whenever the user wants to destroy the window
> (e.g. <Alt-F4> or the 'x' in the right top corner) and ask if a modified file
> should be saved or not.
> If 'cancel' is chosen then nothing should happen and the windows still should be
> existing. This doesn't work. When I press cancel the window will be destroyed
> although.
> I also implemented a menu item 'Quit' where I show the same messagebox and there
> it works fine.
> How can I make it work or is there another method to do this? I'm very new to R
> and tcl/tk.
> Here is part of my code:
>    exitProg <- function()
>    {
>      returnVal <- tkmessageBox(title="Question",
>        message="Save modified file?",
>        icon="question", type="yesnocancel", default="yes")
>      returnVal <- as.character(returnVal)
>      if( returnVal == "yes" )
>      {
>        # save file
>        value <- saveFile()
>        # destroy window when save was successfull
>        if( value == 1 )
>          tkdestroy(mw)
>      }
>      if( returnVal == "no" )
>      {
>        tkdestroy(mw)
>      }
>      if( returnVal == "cancel" )
>      {
>        # do nothing
>        cat("Cancel was pressed.\n")
>      }
>    }
>    # bind the destroy event in order to show a message box
>    tkbind(mw,"<Destroy>",exitProg)
>    # menu item which works fine
>    tkadd(fileMenu, "command", label="Quit", command=exitProg)
> Thank you.
> Franco Mendolia
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