[R] memory problems when combining randomForests

Ramon Diaz-Uriarte rdiaz at cnio.es
Tue Aug 1 10:32:18 CEST 2006

Dear Eleni,

> But if every time you remove a variable you pass some test data (ie data
> not used to train the model) and base the performance of the new, reduced
> model on the error rate on the confusion matrix for the test data, then
> this "overfitting" should not be an issue, right?  (unless of course you
> were referring to unsupervised learning).

Yes and no. The problem there could arise if you do this iteratively and use 
the minimum value you obtain with your procedure to return an estimate of the 
error rate. In such a case, you should, instead, do a double cross-validation 
or bootstrap (i.e., estimate, via cross-validation ---or the bootstrap--- the 
error rate of your complete procedure).

Both Andy and collaborators on the one hand and myself on the other have done 
some further work on these issues.

Svetnik V, Liaw A, Tong C, Wang T: Application of Breiman's random forest to 
modeling structure-activity relationships of pharmaceutical molecules.
Multiple Classier Systems, Fifth International Workshop, MCS 2004, 
Proceedings, 9–11 June 2004, Cagliari, Italy. Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science, Springer 2004, 3077:334-343.

Gene selection and classification of microarray data using random forest
Ramón Díaz-Uriarte and Sara Alvarez de Andrés. BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:3. 



On Monday 31 July 2006 18:45, Eleni Rapsomaniki wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> > > I get different order of importance for my variables depending on their
> order in the training data.
> Perhaps answering my own question, the change in importance rankings could
> be attributed to the fact that before passing my data to randomForest I
> impute the missing values randomly (using the combined distributions of
> pos+neg), so the data seen by RF is slightly different. Then combining this
> with the fact that RF chooses data randomly it makes sense to see different
> rankings.
> In a previous thread regarding simplifying variables:
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.r.general/6989/focus=6993
> you say:
> "The basic problem is that when you select important variables by RF and
> then re-run RF with those variables, the OOB error rate become biased
> downward. As you iterate more times, the "overfitting" becomes more and
> more severe (in the sense that, the OOB error rate will keep decreasing
> while error rate on an independent test set will be flat or increases)"
> But if every time you remove a variable you pass some test data (ie data
> not used to train the model) and base the performance of the new, reduced
> model on the error rate on the confusion matrix for the test data, then
> this "overfitting" should not be an issue, right?  (unless of course you
> were referring to unsupervised learning).
> Best regards
> Eleni Rapsomaniki
> Birkbeck College, UK
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Ramón Díaz-Uriarte
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO)
(Spanish National Cancer Center)
Melchor Fernández Almagro, 3
28029 Madrid (Spain)
Fax: +-34-91-224-6972
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