[R] second try; writing user-defined GLM link function

Jessi Brown jessilbrown at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 19:46:10 CEST 2006

Ok, I persuaded predict.glm to "work" with the default type ("link")
instead of "response." However, I  don't think it did what I expected
it to do, as the output (which should be log-odds, right?) leads to
non-sensical final daily survival rates (daily survival rate =
probability of surviving that particular interval). For example, for a
nest of age 67 days, the log-odds of survival are -53.88, leading to a
daily survival rate of essentially 0 - not at all what was observed!

I see two possibilities here. Either the predict function is not
working as expected (still not accounting for interval length), or
possibly something is off in my nest age temporal trend modeling
(predicted log-odds values are reasonable up to MeanAge=44 or so).

Anyone have any thoughts here?

> glm.24.pred<-predict(glm.24, newdata=vc.new)
> glm.24.pred
          1           2           3           4           5          
6           7
  6.0097208   5.5175350   5.0938348   4.7348110   4.4366542  
4.1955553   4.0077050
          8           9          10          11          12         
13          14
  3.8692940   3.7765131   3.7255530   3.7126045   3.7338582  
3.7855051   3.8637357
         15          16          17          18          19         
20          21
  3.9647409   4.0847113   4.2198379   4.3663111   4.5203220  
4.6780610   4.8357191
         22          23          24          25          26         
27          28
  4.9894870   5.1355554   5.2701150   5.3893566   5.4894710  
5.5666488   5.6170809
         29          30          31          32          33         
34          35
  5.6369580   5.6224707   5.5698100   5.4751664   5.3347309  
5.1446940   4.9012465
         36          37          38          39          40         
41          42
  4.6005793   4.2388830   3.8123484   3.3171662   2.7495272  
2.1056221   1.3816416
         43          44          45          46          47         
48          49
  0.5737766  -0.3217823  -1.3088443  -2.3912186  -3.5727145 
-4.8571413  -6.2483083
         50          51          52          53          54         
55          56
 -7.7500246  -9.3660995 -11.1003423 -12.9565623 -14.9385687
-17.0501707 -19.2951776
         57          58          59          60          61         
62          63
-21.6773987 -24.2006432 -26.8687203 -29.6854394 -32.6546097
-35.7800404 -39.0655408
         64          65          66          67
-42.5149201 -46.1319876 -49.9205526 -53.8844243

On 4/20/06, Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> > glm.24.pred<-predict(glm.24,newdata=nestday, type="response", SE.fit=T)
> What is SE.fit?  The help says se.fit.  That _may_ be a problem.
> However, I think the real problem is that the link function argument
> includes a reference to vc.apfa$days that is appropriate for fitting, not
> prediction. One way out might be (untested)
> attach(va.apfa)
> glm.24 <- glm(formula = Success ~ NestHtZ + MeanAge + I(MeanAge^2) +
> I(MeanAge^3), family = logexposure(ExposureDays = days), data = vc.apfa)
> detach()
> attach(nestday)
> glm.24.pred<-predict(glm.24,newdata=nestday, type="response", SE.fit=T)
> detach()
> so that 'days' refers to the appropriate dataset both when fitting and
> predicting.
> (This is bending glm() to do something it was not designed to do, so some
> hoop-jumping is needed.)
> On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Jessi Brown wrote:
> > An update for all:
> >
> > Using the combined contributions from Mark and Dr. Ripley, I've been
> > (apparently) successfully  formulating both GLM's and GLMM's (using
> > the MASS function glmmPQL) analyzing my nest success data. The beta
> > parameter estimates look reasonable and the top models resemble those
> > from earlier analyses using a different nest survival analysis
> > approach.
> >
> > However, I've now run into problems when trying to predict the daily
> > survival rates from fitted models. For example, for a model
> > considering nest height (NestHtZ) and nest age effects (MeanAge and
> > related terms; there is an overall cubic time trend in this model), I
> > tried to  predict the daily survival rate for each day out of a 67 day
> > nest cycle (so MeanAge is a vector of 1 to 67) with mean nest height
> > (also a vector 67 rows in length; both comprise the matrix "nestday").
> > Here's what happens:
> >
> >> summary(glm.24)
> >
> > Call:
> > glm(formula = Success ~ NestHtZ + MeanAge + I(MeanAge^2) + I(MeanAge^3),
> >    family = logexposure(ExposureDays = vc.apfa$days), data = vc.apfa)
> >
> > Deviance Residuals:
> >    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
> > -3.3264  -1.2341   0.6712   0.8905   1.5569
> >
> > Coefficients:
> >               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
> > (Intercept)   6.5742015  1.7767487   3.700 0.000215 ***
> > NestHtZ       0.6205444  0.2484583   2.498 0.012504 *
> > MeanAge      -0.6018978  0.2983656  -2.017 0.043662 *
> > I(MeanAge^2)  0.0380521  0.0152053   2.503 0.012330 *
> > I(MeanAge^3) -0.0006349  0.0002358  -2.693 0.007091 **
> > ---
> > Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> >
> > (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
> >
> >    Null deviance: 174.86  on 136  degrees of freedom
> > Residual deviance: 233.82  on 132  degrees of freedom
> > AIC: 243.82
> >
> > Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 13
> >
> >> glm.24.pred<-predict(glm.24,newdata=nestday, type="response", SE.fit=T)
> > Warning message:
> > longer object length
> >        is not a multiple of shorter object length in: plogis(eta)^days
> >
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
> >
> > cheers, Jessi Brown
> >
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> --
> Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
> Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
> University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
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