[R] about "intersection set" and "union set"

XinMeng xmeng at capitalbio.com
Wed Apr 19 03:32:07 CEST 2006

Hello sir: 

.. ... 

I wanna get the "intersection set" and "union set". I've tried command "setdiff"and "union",but only two groups is permited.How can I deal with multi groups to find the "intersection set" and "union set"? 

Thanks a lot! 
My best  

Xin Meng 
Capitalbio Corporation
National Engineering Research Center 
for Beijing Biochip Technology 
BioPharma-informatics & Software Dept. 
Research Engineer
Tel: +86-10-80715888/80726868-6438
Fax: +86-10-80726790
Email£ºxmeng at capitalbio.com 
Address:18 Life Science Parkway, 
Changping District, Beijing 102206, China

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