[R] Problems in package management after Linux system upgrade
Prof Brian Ripley
ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Wed Apr 5 19:18:22 CEST 2006
On Wed, 5 Apr 2006, Paul Johnson wrote:
> I upgraded from Fedora Core 4 to Fedora Core 5 and I find a lot of
> previously installed packages won't run because shared libraries or
> other system things have changed "out from under" the installed R
> libraries. I do not know for sure if the R version now from
> Fedora-Extras (2.2.1) is exactly the same one I was using in FC4.
> I see problems in many packages. Example, Hmisc:
> unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/library/Hmisc/libs/Hmisc.so':
> libgfortran.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Error in library(Hmisc) : .First.lib failed for 'Hmisc'
You have a later compiler, gcc 4.1.0 not 4.0.x. Is there no
back-compatibility package with the older compiler's runtime?
(I would compile gcc 4.0.3 and install that file manually, but that's
not for those unused to building gcc.)
> If I manually do a re-install, then Hmisc and the other packages are fine.
> I ?THINK? that if I had been using version 2.2.0, and now I have
> 2.2.1, then the checkBuilt option would force a rebuild on all
> packages. Right?
Sorry, no. That is just a patchlevel change. The docs say
checkBuilt: If 'TRUE', a package built under an earlier minor version
of R is considered to be 'old'.
and the minor version is '2' (the second '2').
> I'm pasting in below the script that I run nightly to update all
> packages and install any new ones in CRAN. Can anybody suggest
> changes that might cause a rebuild of packages that need rebuilding?
Well, we are in alpha of 2.3.0, so what I would do is to install 2.3.0
alpha and then your script will do all the updates for you. You can then
remove it when a 2.3.0 RPM is available.
> ## PJ 2005-11-05
> options(repos = "http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/")
> #failPackages is the "black list". Things get inserted for various reasons
> #rejected because they don't build on my system as of July, 2005, or
> are obviously not needed
> failPackages1 <-
> c("BRugs","tclkt2","cyclones","rpvm","ncdf","gtkDevice","gap","gnomeGUI","mimR","pathmix","rcdd","rgdal","rpvm","Rmpi","RQuantLib","RMySQL",
> "RNetCDF","RODBC","ROracle","rsprng","RWinEdt","taskPR")
> #rejected because I subjectively think we don't need them
> failPackages2 <-
> c("aaMI","AlgDesign","bim","caMassClass","CGIwithR","CDNmoney","clac","clim.pact","compositions","cyclones","hapassoc","haplo.score","haplo.stats","hapsim","httpRequest",
> "labdsv","kza","LMGene","Malmig","magic","negenes","oz","papply","spe","wavethresh","waveslim","tdthap")
> failPackages3 <- c("rcom","Rlsf")
> #put the 3 sets of rejects together
> failPackages <- union(failPackages1,union(failPackages2,failPackages3))
> #list of all currently installed packages
> installedPackages <- rownames (installed.packages() )
> #do any installed packages need removal because they are on the blacklist?
> needRemoval <- installedPackages %in% failPackages
> # remove any blacklisted packages if they are already installed.
> if (sum(needRemoval) >0) remove.packages(installedPackages[needRemoval] )
> #update the ones you want to keep
> update.packages(ask=F, checkBuilt=T)
> #get list of all new packages on CRAN
> theNew <- new.packages()
> #do any of the new packages belong to the black list?
> shouldFail <- theNew %in% failPackages
> #install non blacklisted packages that are in theNew list
> if (sum(!shouldFail) > 0) install.packages( theNew[!shouldFail],dependencies=T)
> # VGAM is not in CRAN yet, but Zelig will use it.
> if ( "VGAM" %in% installedPackages)
> update.packages(repos="http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee",ask=F) else
> install.packages("VGAM", repos="http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee")
> --
> Paul E. Johnson
> Professor, Political Science
> 1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
> University of Kansas
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
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