[R] Pb with function taxo2phylog (package ade4)

Stéphane Dray dray at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
Mon Oct 24 14:04:00 CEST 2005

please send emails related to this package to the ade4 list :



Christophe Girod wrote:

>  I'm using the package ade4 to obtain classification from a .txt file. I 
>use the following commands:
>cronquist <- read.table("cronquist.txt", h = T, row.names = 8)
>cronquist <- as.taxo(cronquist[7:1])
>cro.phy <- taxo2phylog(cronquist)
>in which cronquist.txt is a file with a classification of 218 genus of tree 
>species from french Guiana.
>We I try to use the function taxo2phylog, I obtain the following error 
>message (in French) :
>Erreur dans newick2phylog.addtools(res) : la longueur de 'dimnames' [2] 
>n'est pas égale à l'étendue du tableau
>Error in newick2phylog.addtools(res) : length of dimnames[2] is not equal to 
>length of frame
>newick2phylog.addtools is a function that is called when taxo2phylog is 
>when I want to know what is in dimnames[2] I obtain the names of my columns 
>: none is missing.
>I don't understand what's happening because I've already been using this 
>function with other files and I  had no problem
>Can someone help me?
>Christophe Girod
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Stéphane DRAY (dray at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr )
Laboratoire BBE-CNRS-UMR-5558, Univ. C. Bernard - Lyon I
43, Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
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