[R] Any package to perform HLM (PROC GENMOD) like logistic regression in R?

William M. Grove grove001 at umn.edu
Fri Oct 21 08:03:42 CEST 2005

I know there are very nice facilities in Pinhiero and Bates for doing 
HLM-type modeling for continuous dependent variables.  But I would 
like to be able to do repeated measures logistic regression, or LR on 
clustered observations (at least with exchangeable correlation 
structures, and preferably with more general choices of 
within-cluster correlation structures).  Have I missed seeing some 
package in R that will do this, more or less the way GENMOD does in 
SAS?  I have not found a package to do thus in my scanning thus far.


Will Grove       |
Psychology Dept. |
U. of Minnesota  |

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