[R] optim

Adrienne Gret-Regamey gret at nsl.ethz.ch
Fri Nov 25 14:06:59 CET 2005


I am trying to use optim() to estimate the maximum likelihood of a 
function a*x^b = y.
Unfortunately, I always get the error, that there is no default value for b.

Could you give me an example, on how to correctly optimize this function 
with input data x<-c(1,3,11,14).

Thanks a lot,


Adrienne Grêt-Regamey          			
LEP, Landscape and Environmental Planning,
HIL H 31.2, ETH Hönggerberg
CH - 8093 Zürich

Phone: +41/1/633'30'02 or +41/31/971'53'74
Fax:   +41/1/633'10'84 	

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