[R] No ~ in JGR

CG Pettersson cg.pettersson at evp.slu.se
Wed May 25 14:25:16 CEST 2005

JGR 1.2

Hello all!
I´ve just installed JGR on my both R-equipped computers and am very 
pleased with the look and functionality.

Except in one, very important, way.

I can´t figure out how to get the ~ sign from the keyboard to the 
console. Copying it from old code works fine. Using the traditional GUI 
works as usual.

I have a Swedish keyboard layout, where ~ shares key with ¨ and ^, all 
reguiring a space after the hit to produce the sign on the screen.

The other signs from the key works, but AltGr + ~ followed by space just 
gives a blank. What do I do wrong?


CG Pettersson MSci. PhD.Stud.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Dep. of Ecology and Crop production sciences (EVP).
cg.pettersson at evp.slu.se

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