[R] How to plot a matrix with 18 rows by row vs. a vector in a single graph, resulting 18 lines with different colors?

Romain Francois francoisromain at free.fr
Wed May 11 17:47:13 CEST 2005

Le 11.05.2005 17:26, Xiao Shi a écrit :

>I have a matrix gene=array(rnorm(180), dim=c(18,10)) and a vector time=c(0,
>So i can get a plot with plot(time,gene[1,],type="b",col="green") for the 
>first row.So how can i get all the 18 rows in the same plot VS. the same 
>vector time=c(0,0.5,2,4,6,8,12,24,48,72).
>Any suggestions.Thanks !


BTW, time is the name of an R function. Choose something else if you 
don't want funny things to happen.


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