[R] Re:Plotting to A4 and replacing x-axis with actual years.

Marshall Mdoka mmdoka at egs.uct.ac.za
Wed Mar 30 16:47:04 CEST 2005


I have written before and probably missed the reply.

1.) I have my figures in a 3X3 array and want to fit them onto a A4 size
page. I have written commands to try a represent them in eps format but
still their cutting out information.

2.) I have an odd number of years and wanted to represent them say 1980 1985
1990 1995 2000 instead of 1 5 10 etc. However, the years are not
overwritting in the year I want since the first year in my x-axis is 1979
which is year 1 and year 5 being 1984.

Could you please help especially on the first problem.

Thanking you in advance,

Marshall Mdoka

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