[R] Where can I found the package "ordinal" ?

Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen kjetil at acelerate.com
Sun Mar 27 14:19:21 CEST 2005

Peter Dalgaard wrote:

>¢é ¨ <cuteymei at yahoo.com.tw> writes:
>>Hello,dear all: 
>>I want to install the package "ordinal",but I don't see the package listed under package sources.
>>I try to search it by "google",then I found this:
>>but the connect does not work.
>>Where can I found the package "ordinal" ?   Is it still available? 
>(I really don't know why I should even take the time Googling for Jim
>& Pat's current whereabouts. They clearly do not believe in neither
>version control, CRAN, nor in following standard terminology.)
By the way, ordinal does not compile under rw2010dev.



Kjetil Halvorsen.

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