[R] Line plot using xyplot function in lattice package

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com
Thu Mar 17 21:35:08 CET 2005

Sundar Dorai-Raj wrote on 3/17/2005 2:27 PM:
> Ghosh, Sandeep wrote on 3/17/2005 1:25 PM:
>> Hi All,
>> For the following data when I use xyplot in package lattice the 
>> intervals are in the order of 2, 24, 8, but instead I want them to be 
>> in the order 2, 8, 24.
>>   Treatment Interval  value
>>   A          2          0.448
>>   A           24        1.85
>>   A          8          1.166
>>   B          2          1.074
>>   B           24        1.5
>>   B          8          1.065
>>   C             2          0.854
>>   C          8          0.589
>> The R script is xyplot(value ~ Interval, data=studyData, type='b', 
>> groups = Treatment,
>> Is there a way in xyplot to specify the order?.
>> -Sandeep
> Hi Sandeep,
> You can make Interval an ordered variable:
> studyData$Interval <- ordered(studyData$Interval, c("2", "24", "8"))
> xyplot(value ~ Interval, data=studyData, type='b', groups = Treatment)
> --sundar

Sorry I misread your original message. You just need to re-order the 
data, as in:

studyData <- studyData[do.call("order", studyData), ]
xyplot(value ~ Interval, data=studyData, type='b', groups = Treatment)



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