[R] Binding one column of characters into a dataframe factors other numeric columns

Ken Termiso jerk_alert at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 17 19:30:15 CET 2005

Hi all,

I searched through the archives, but couldn't find a fix...

Basically, I've got a bunch of numeric vectors and one character vector that 
I want to bind into a data frame. When I include the character vector as a 
column in the data frame, all the numeric columns get factored in the data 
frame, which makes it tough to call those columns for calculations later on. 
I've tried using AsIs to prevent this, but without luck...in the examples 
below, the object named "c" is the one that is the character column. The 
others are numeric.

df_without_char <- data.frame(cbind(rl, gl, cp), row.names = rownames(r)) 
#without char vector

df_without_char <- data.frame(cbind(rl, gl, c, cp), row.names = 
rownames(r))#with char vector

df <- data.frame(cbind(rl, gl, I(c), cp), row.names = rownames(r)) #try to 
keep char vector AsIs

df <- data.frame(cbind(rl, gl, c=I(c), cp), row.names = rownames(r)) #try to 
keep char vector AsIs

df <- data.frame(cbind(rl, gl, c, I(cp)), row.names = rownames(r)) #try to 
keep num vector AsIs

df <- data.frame(cbind(rl, gl,  c, cp=I(cp)), row.names = rownames(r)) #try 
to keep num vector AsIs

Thanks in advance,

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