correlation with NA (was Re: [R] (no subject))

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at
Wed Mar 16 22:59:29 CET 2005

Brett Stansfield wrote on 3/16/2005 3:54 PM:
> Dear R
> I'm trying to do a correlation matrix for some variables I have.
> Unfortunately there are some NA entries for some of the variables 
> I tried the following
> cor(sleep[c("logbw", "logbrw", "SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "loglife",
> "loggest")])
> but it told me
> Error in cor(sleep[c("logbw", "logbrw", "SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "loglife",
> : 
>         missing observations in cov/cor
> How can I get R to conduct a correlation matrix for this data set??
> brett

See ?cor. I think you want:

cor(sleep, use = "complete.obs") # or "pairwise.complete.obs"

(please read the posting guide, which would tell you to use an 
informative subject line and also point you to the help files)

PLEASE do read the posting guide!


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