[R] difficulties with the save.image() function

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Mon Mar 14 21:36:48 CET 2005

At 3:44 PM +0100 3/12/05, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>Tracy Bergemann wrote:
>>Dear list,
>>I've had difficulty saving my workspace to an .RData file.
>>This causes considerable frustration as it means that I have to regenerate
>>my analysis every time I want to update it.  For microarray data in
>>particular, this can be quite time consuming.
>>I'm saving my data to a network folder on my system in Windows XP, something
>>like an "H:\" drive or a "P:\" drive instead of a "C:\" drive.
>>Here is the command which saves my workspace to my working directory:
>>And here is the error I get:
>>Error in save(list = ls(envir = .GlobalEnv, all.names = TRUE), file =
>>outfile,: error writing to connection
>>Any assistance?

To which we might add a simple test such as:

    sink('H:/Consulting/test.txt') ; ls() ; sink()

Which if it succeeds will eliminate some possible issues, and if it 
fails will eliminate others.

>- Do you have write access?
>- Is there enough space available?
>- Any quota?
>- Can you save on a local drive, say a temp directory?
>- How big is the file size? ("microarray" make me assume it is huge, 
>so is it > 2GB?, does the system support the file size?)
>- What is the output of
>  file.info("H:/Consulting/cmlExprA.RData")
>  file.info("H:/Consulting")
>Uwe Ligges
>>Many thanks,
>>Tracy L. Bergemann, PhD
>>Biostatistics Core
>>University of Minnesota Cancer Center
>>B412-4 Mayo building
>>Office # 626-5408


Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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