[R] how to view the syntax of a method which is not a generic method

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Thu Mar 10 21:18:53 CET 2005

Hi Sarah,

Sarah Holte <Sholte at fhcrc.org> writes:

> The book suggests that I use the inialize method for one of the
> exisiting variance functions for lme(), eg varExp.  What I want is
> the syntax of the initialize.varExp method so that I can edit it to
> create an initialize method for my newly constructed class.

You might want to download the source package for nlme.  You can get
it here:


I think the function you are looking for is defined in varFunc.R and
it looks like it is Initialize.varExp (initial cap) so you might retry
your search techniques with that name.

Hope that helps,

+ seth

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