[R] contrast matrix for aov
Christophe Pallier
pallier at lscp.ehess.fr
Thu Mar 10 10:43:15 CET 2005
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
>> On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Darren Weber wrote:
>> We have a two-factor, repeated measures design, with
> Where does `repeated measures' come into this? You appear to have
> repeated a 2x2 experiment in each of 8 blocks (subjects). Such a
> design is usually analysed with fixed effects. (Perhaps you averaged
> over repeats in the first few lines of your code?)
>> roi.aov <- aov(roi ~ (Cue*Hemisphere) +
>> Error(Subject/(Cue*Hemisphere)), data=roiDataframe)
> I think the error model should be Error(Subject). In what sense are
> `Cue' and `Cue:Hemisphere' random effects nested inside `Subject'?
I do not understand this, and I think I am probably not the only one.
That is why I would be grateful if you could give a bit more information.
My understanding is that the fixed factors Cue and Hemisphere are
crossed with the random factor Subject (in other words, Cue and
Hemisphere are within-subjects factors, and this is probably why Darren
called it a "repeated measure" design).
In this case, it seems to me from the various textbooks I read on Anova,
that the appropriate MS to test the interaction Cue:Hemisphere is
Subject:Cue:Hemisphere (with 7 degress of freedom, as there are 8
independent subjects).
If you input Error(Subject/(Cue*Hemisphere)) in the aov formula, then
the test for the interaction indeed uses the Subject:Cue:Hemisphere
source of variation in demoninator. This fits with the ouput of other
If you include only 'Subjet', then the test for the interaction has 21
degrees of Freedom, and I do not understand what this tests.
I apologize in if my terminology is not accurate. But I hope you can
clarify what is wrong with the Error(Subject/(Cue*Hemisphere)) term,
or maybe just point us to the relevant textbooks.
Thanks in advance,
Christophe Pallier
> Let me fake some `data':
> set.seed(1); roiValues <- rnorm(32)
> subjectlabels <- paste("V"1:8, sep = "")
> options(contrasts = c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly"))
> roi.aov <- aov(roi ~ Cue*Hemisphere + Error(Subject), data=roiDataframe)
>> roi.aov
> Call:
> aov(formula = roi ~ Cue * Hemisphere + Error(Subject), data =
> roiDataframe)
> Grand Mean: 0.1165512
> Stratum 1: Subject
> Terms:
> Residuals
> Sum of Squares 4.200946
> Deg. of Freedom 7
> Residual standard error: 0.7746839
> Stratum 2: Within
> Terms:
> Cue Hemisphere Cue:Hemisphere Residuals
> Sum of Squares 0.216453 0.019712 0.057860 21.896872
> Deg. of Freedom 1 1 1 21
> Residual standard error: 1.021131
> Estimated effects are balanced
> Note that all the action is in one stratum, and the SSQs are the same as
> aov(roi ~ Subject + Cue * Hemisphere, data = roiDataframe)
> (and also the same as for your fit).
>> print(summary(roi.aov))
> It auto-prints, so you don't need print().
>> ########################################
>> I've tried to create a contrast matrix like this:
>> cm <- contrasts(roiDataframe$Cue)
>> which gives the main effect contrasts for the Cue factor. I really
>> want to specify the interaction contrasts, so I tried this:
>> ########################################
>> # c( lh_cueL, lh_cueR, rh_cueL, rh_cueR )
>> # CueRight>CueLeft for the Left Hemisphere.
>> # CueLeft>CueRight for the Right Hemisphere
>> cm <- c(-1, 1, 1, -1)
>> dim(cm) <- c(2,2)
> (That is up to sign what Helmert contrasts give you.)
>> roi.aov <- aov( roi ~ (Cue*Hemisphere) +
>> Error(Subject/(Cue*Hemisphere)),
>> contrasts=cm, data=roiDataframe)
>> print(summary(roi.aov))
>> ########################################
>> but the results of these two aov commands are identical. Is it the
>> case that the 2x2 design matrix is always going to give the same F
>> values for the interaction regardless of the contrast direction?
> Yes, as however you code the design (via `contrasts') you are fitting
> the same subspaces. Not sure what you mean by `contrast direction',
> though.
> However, you have not specified `contrasts' correctly:
> contrasts: A list of contrasts to be used for some of the factors in
> the formula.
> and cm is not a list, and an interaction is not a factor.
>> OR, is there some way to get a summary output for the contrasts that
>> is not available from the print method?
> For more than two levels, yes: see `split' under ?summary.aov.
> Also, see se.contrasts which allows you to find the standard error for
> any contrast.
> For the fixed-effects model you can use summary.lm:
>> fit <- aov(roi ~ Subject + Cue * Hemisphere, data = roiDataframe)
>> summary(fit)
> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
> Subject 7 4.2009 0.6001 0.5756 0.7677
> Cue 1 0.2165 0.2165 0.2076 0.6533
> Hemisphere 1 0.0197 0.0197 0.0189 0.8920
> Cue:Hemisphere 1 0.0579 0.0579 0.0555 0.8161
> Residuals 21 21.8969 1.0427
>> summary.lm(fit)
> Call:
> aov(formula = roi ~ Subject + Cue * Hemisphere, data = roiDataframe)
> Residuals:
> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
> -1.7893 -0.4197 0.1723 0.5868 1.3033
> Coefficients:
> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
> [...]
> Cue1 -0.08224 0.18051 -0.456 0.653
> Hemisphere1 0.02482 0.18051 0.137 0.892
> Cue1:Hemisphere1 -0.04252 0.18051 -0.236 0.816
> where the F values are the squares of the t values.
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