[R] Non-linear minimization

Sébastien Ballesteros sebastien_ballesteros at yahoo.fr
Tue Mar 8 14:23:32 CET 2005

hello, I have got some trouble with R functions nlm(),
nls() or optim() : I would like to fit 3 parameters
which must stay in a precise interval. For exemple
with nlm() :

fn<-function(p) sum((dN-estdata(p[1],p[2],p[3]))^2)
out<-nlm(fn, p=c(4, 17, 5),

with estdata() a function which returns value to fit
with dN (observed data vactor)

My problem is that only optim() allows me to set
parameters interval with "L-BFGS-B" method but this
one doesn't work in my case.

I have heard about nls2 package (www.inra.fr/bia) but
it doesn't work on Windows.

Do you know any solutions

Thank's a lot for reading my post

Best regards

INA P-G ecology dpt

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