[R] R: simulation

Lukas Meier meier at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Mar 4 13:20:09 CET 2005

Clark Allan writes:
 > i want to run simulations in r. i however want the experiments to be
 > repeated at a later time with exactly the same numbers by other users.
 > can i set the random number seed for rnorm in some way?
 > e.g. is there some arguement that goes with rnorm?

set.seed(79) ## replace 79 with another value if you don't like it

Hope this helps,


Lukas Meier				http://stat.ethz.ch/people/meier/
Seminar fuer Statistik			phone:	+41 44 632 35 04
ETH-Zentrum, LEO D6			fax:	+41 44 632 12 28
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

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