[R] packages masking other objects

James Smith james.smith at cdu.edu.au
Tue Mar 1 03:14:02 CET 2005

hello all, 

I am trying to use the function getCovariateFormula(nlme) in conjunction with the library lme4. When I load both packages I get the following message and the getCovariateFormula function no longer works:


Attaching package 'lme4':

        The following object(s) are masked from package:nlme :

         contr.SAS getCovariateFormula getResponseFormula groupedData lmeControl 

I have tried removing the package after using it, with:

but I still get an error message when I try to use getCovariateFormula. The line I use it in, and the error message is below:


Error in switch(mode(x), "NULL" = structure(NULL, class = "formula"),  : 
        invalid formula

This line works fine when I run models with different structures that are not in the lme4 package.
Does anyone have any suggestions about this ?
Am I not removing the package completely ?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
James Smith

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