[R] errorest

Kuhn, Max Max.Kuhn at pfizer.com
Thu Jun 23 17:17:58 CEST 2005


"It didn't work" and "They worked" aren't very specific. Also, the package
name is ipred and the function is errorest.

The estimator entry on the man page for errorest has:

   'cv' cross-validation, 'boot' bootstrap or '632plus' bias corrected
bootstrap (classification only). 

Note the *or*. I tried the analysis of the iris data from the man page with
your estimator specification:

> testing <-   errorest(Species ~ ., data=iris, model=lda, 
+ estimator = c("boot","632plus"), predict= mypredict.lda)
> testing

errorest.data.frame(formula = Species ~ ., data = iris, model = lda, 
    predict = mypredict.lda, estimator = c("boot", "632plus"))

         Bootstrap estimator of misclassification error 
         with 25 bootstrap replications

Misclassification error:  0.0235 
Standard deviation: 0.0028 

errorest.data.frame(formula = Species ~ ., data = iris, model = lda, 
    predict = mypredict.lda, estimator = c("boot", "632plus"))

         .632+ Bootstrap estimator of misclassification error 
         with 25 bootstrap replications

Misclassification error:  0.0222 
> unclass(testing)
[1] 0.02351852

[1] 0.002847447


[1] 25

[1] 0.02222817

[1] 25

[1] TRUE

errorest.data.frame(formula = Species ~ ., data = iris, model = lda, 
    predict = mypredict.lda, estimator = c("boot", "632plus"))

Is this consistent with your results?


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