[R] .gct file

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at mednetstudy.com
Tue Jul 19 20:11:21 CEST 2005

On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 13:08 -0500, Marc Schwartz (via MN) wrote:
> For the TAB delimited columns, adjust the 'sep' argument to:
> read.table("data.gct", skip = 2, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
> The 'quote' argument is by default:
> quote = "\"'"
> which should take care of the quoted strings and bring them in as a
> single value.
> The above presumes that the header row is also TAB delimited. If not,
> you may have to set 'skip = 3' to skip over the header row and manually
> set the column names.

One correction. If the final para applies and you need to use 'skip =
3', you would also need to leave out the 'header = TRUE' argument, which
defaults to FALSE.


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