[R] Error: cannot allocate vector of size... but with a twist

Paul Roebuck roebuck at odin.mdacc.tmc.edu
Fri Jan 28 08:05:09 CET 2005

On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, James Muller wrote:

> I have a memory problem, one which I've seen pop up in the list a few
> times, but which seems to be a little different. It is the Error: cannot
> allocate vector of size x problem. I'm running R2.0 on RH9.
> [SNIP]
> R chews up memory up until the 3.5Gb area, then halts. Here's the last
> bit of output:

32-bit addressing goes to ~4Gb.

SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)

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