[R] Reproducing SAS GLM in R

Bela Bauer bela_b at gmx.net
Tue Feb 22 15:53:27 CET 2005

Peter Dalgaard wrote:
> However, the real crucial thing here is that SAS is de facto fitting a
> mixed-effects model, with random effects being everything with Subject
> inside. So, except for the GG/HF business, you should get something
> similar if you try
> summary(aov(vecData ~ facCond*facRoi + Error(facSubj/(facCond*facRoi)) ))

Hm...that worked. Didn't expect it to be that simple!
I had tried models that were almost the same, but I didn't try that one...

> (If you want a closer parallel to the SAS approach, you have to wait
> for the mlm extensions that I have planned. I'll get to the GG/HF
> issue Real Soon Now.)

Well, I'll probably be the first one to be all over testing it!

Thanks a lot!


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