[R] 49 histograms on one page

Rob Steele rob at fatkat.com
Mon Feb 21 23:03:19 CET 2005

The pdf format works well for large numbers of plots on a single page.  
You can use a viewer like Acrobat Reader to zoom in to the areas of 
interest.  Ideally you can arrange the plots in a meaningful order, 
maybe where both their horizontal and vertical position convey information.

If you want something you can actually print or read without zooming in 
and if you can live with a slightly more abstract view of your data you 
might try putting multiple box plots in a single graph.  Something like:

n = 1000
m = 49

data = data.frame(x = rnorm(n), y = trunc(runif(n, min = 1, max = m + 1)))

splits = split(data$x, data$y)

o = order(sapply(splits, median), decreasing = TRUE)

boxplot(splits[o], horizontal = TRUE)

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