[R] Problems compiling (configure) R on Ubuntu linux (debian)

Ales Ziberna ales.ziberna at guest.arnes.si
Mon Feb 7 07:44:16 CET 2005

I tried eactly that, however there are numerus dependecies. This seams to be 
the problem.

I have till now manage to install (via *.deb file) R1.9.1 thanks to 
following all depnedecies found using the following site (un unofficial site 
for searching Ubuntu packages):

However, R 2.0.1 requires some different packages or newer versions and 
therfore will not work!

Thank you anyways for your answer!

Ales Ziberna

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dirk Eddelbuettel" <edd at debian.org>
To: "Ales Ziberna" <ales.ziberna at guest.arnes.si>
Cc: "R-help" <r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [R] Problems compiling (configure) R on Ubuntu linux (debian)

> On 6 February 2005 at 10:49, Ales Ziberna wrote:
> | Thanks to everybody for their valuble suggestions.
> |
> | Unfortunaty I currently can not use apt-get or similar, since I can not
> | connect to the net using Ubuntu (modem problems).
> So download r-base*deb under Windows, reboot, mount the Windows partition, 
> cd
> to it, dpkg -i r-base*.deb.
> Dirk
> -- 
> Better to have an approximate answer to the right question than a precise
> answer to the wrong question.  --  John Tukey as quoted by John Chambers

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