[R] Residuals from GLMMs in the lme4 package

Renaud Lancelot renaud.lancelot at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 13:29:44 CET 2005

I guess you are using obsolete versions of lme4 / Matrix. Please
update and try again. The current versions are:

> help(package = "Matrix")

                Information on package 'Matrix'


Package:              Matrix
Version:              0.99-2
Date:                 2005-11-14


> help(package = "lme4")

                Information on package 'lme4'


Package:       lme4
Version:       0.98-1
Date:          2005-07-27




2005/12/9, Mairead Maclean <M.M.Maclean at exeter.ac.uk>:
> Hello there
> This is the first time I have used r-help message board so I hope I have got
> the right address.
> I am trying to check the residuals of a GLMM model(run using the package
> lme4). I have been able to check the residiuals of REMLs in lme4 using the
> following:
> m1<-lmer(vTotal~Week+fCollar+ (1|fCat), collars)
> res<-resid(m1)
> plot(res)
> qqnorm(res)
> library(MASS)
> par(mfrow=c(2,3))
> res<-residuals(m1)
> truehist(res,main="Histogram of Residuals")
> curve(dnorm(x,mean=mean(res),sd=sd(res)),add=TRUE)
> qqnorm(fitted(m1),resid(m1), ylim=range(fitted(m1)), main="QQNorm Plot")
> plot(residuals(m1)~fitted(m1),main="Resid
> vs.Fits",xlab="Fits",ylab="Resids");abline(h=0)
> plot(residuals(m1),type="l",main="Resid vs Order",ylab="Resids")
> acf(residuals(m1), main="Resid Autocorrelation")
> boxplot(vTotal~fCollar, data=collars,main="Box plot of Collars", ylab="No.of
> Prey", xlab="Collar")
> but with this model:
> m1<-lmer(vTotal~Week+fCollar+ (1|fCat), collars, poisson(), method = "PQL")
> I can not get the above code line for residuals to work.  The stumbling
> block is the residual command.  When I run it I get the following:
> > res<-resid(m1)
> > res
> numeric(0)
> Can not find any other way to get the residuals and I even tried getting the
> fitted values from the model but get a similar output:
> > catfit<-fitted(m1)
> > catfit
> numeric(0)
> Do you think there may be something wrong with the model itself or is it
> just that there is an alternative way to checking residuals in GLMMs?  I
> would be very grateful for any help!
> Many thanks
> Mairead Maclean
> Centre for Ecology and Conservation Biology
> Exeter University
> Tremough Campus
> UK
> TR10 9EZ
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