[R] read.table error

Eric C. Jennings matheric at u.washington.edu
Thu Dec 8 05:57:51 CET 2005

Hey, Once again I ask for some quick help.

Here is some code:
ovendata<- read.table("ovens.dat",header=TRUE)

Here is the .dat file:
D    One     Two     Three   Four    Five    Seven   Eight
1130    254     252     375     384     252     375     876
127     250     250     384     386     251     378     875

Here is the R Console output:
> ovendata<- read.table("ovens.dat",header=TRUE)
Warning message:
incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'ovens.dat' 
> attach(ovendata)

        The following object(s) are masked from ovendata ( position 3 ) :

         D Eight Five Four One Seven Three Two 

        The following object(s) are masked from ovendata ( position 4 ) :

         D Eight Five Four One Seven Three Two 

        The following object(s) are masked from ovendata ( position 5 ) :

         Eight Five Four One Seven Three Two 

        The following object(s) are masked from package:stats :


> print(ovendata)
     D One Two Three Four Five Seven Eight
1 1130 254 252   375  384  252   375   876
2  127 250 250   384  386  251   378   875

I've never seen anything like theis before. What's going on?


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