[R] Error message in mclust

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at PDF.COM
Tue Oct 19 18:44:44 CEST 2004

Brian Newquist wrote:

> I keep on receiving the message below after submitting the following line
> using the mclust package.  m2 is a 99 X 1 column vector. 
> *       em(modelName = "E", m2, mu = c(25, 50), sigmasq=10, pro = c(0.4,
> 0.6))
> Error in as.double.default(data) : (list) object cannot be coerced to
> double.
> Why do I receive this error?


Are you sure m2 is a vector and not a data.frame or list? I can 
replicate your error message as follows:

# from ?em
irisMatrix <- as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])
irisClass <- iris[, 5]
msEst <- mstep(modelName = "EEE", data = irisMatrix,
                z = unmap(irisClass))
iris.em1 <- em(modelName = msEst$modelName, data = irisMatrix,
                mu = msEst$mu, Sigma = msEst$Sigma, pro = msEst$pro)
# not from ?em
iris.em2 <- em(modelName = msEst$modelName, data = iris[, 1:4],
                mu = msEst$mu, Sigma = msEst$Sigma, pro = msEst$pro)

The second call to em produces:

Error in as.double.default(data) : (list) object cannot be coerced to double

That said, it shouldn't matter that `data' is a data.frame since the 
help page says explicitly that data.frames are allowed as long as the 
variables are not categorical. The first for columns of iris are `numeric'.

R-2.0.0Patched with MCLUST 2.1-6


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