[R] R vs SPSS

Laurent Valdes valderama at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 14:09:04 CET 2004


Le 25 nov. 04, à 13:15, Vito Ricci a écrit :

> command line) and very usefull and simple to use in
I do not know R so much, nor SPSS.
Then I appreciate SPSS, because tools are very practical to use.
Every transformation, model analysis are easily made.

In the other hand, let me say it doesn't run on Mac OS X 10.3 (only on 
Mac OS X 10.2), then the software editor didn't manage to update its 
product. R's communauty does.

R is really made to make big computations on big servers, that's not 
SPSS cup of tea.


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