[R] R equiv to proc gremove in maps package

Ray Brownrigg ray at mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Mar 15 20:25:26 CET 2004

> Is there an R equivalent to SAS's proc gremove?  You would use this procedure to combine the units on an existing map, for example to build a map of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) from the [US] counties dataset where the internal boundries surround the MSAs (which are groups of counties) rather than the individual counties.  I can imagine the mechanism would be to find and erase the boundries within each group.  Is there a way to do that in R?  I looked at the S reference on building geographical databases, and I could probably fumble through the C code to build the binary files of lines and polygons, but have no idea how to implement the shell program to extract the datapoints.  Thanks.
It's already built in to the maps package.

Try e.g.:
map("county", c("arizona,gila", "arizona,maricopa", "arizona,yavapai"), interior=F)

[I wouldn't have believed that it worked until I tried!]

Hope this helps,
Ray Brownrigg

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