[R] KalmanSmooth problem

Hazenberg21, Pieter Pieter.Hazenberg21 at wur.nl
Wed Jul 7 15:32:14 CEST 2004

In R I am trying to use Kalman filtering to find a solution for an hydrological problem. With Kalman Filtering I want to estimate the discharge comming from three storage bassins. I have programmed a function in R which can run KalmanSmooth. When I'm asking for the function and putting in values, R detects the following error: "Error in as.vector(data) : Argument "S1" is missing, with no default".
I have try to find a solution for this error in the R help file, and in different manuals, but I can't find it. Please help me find a solution.
Question: What does R mean with "S1" and what am I doing wrong?
Here is the way I have programmed the hydrological problem in R. 
> discharge=read.table(file="C:/Program Files/R/rw1090/discharge.txt",header=T)
> deb=discharge[,1]
> deb
  [1] 11.545313  8.045465  5.670868  4.044584  2.919311  2.306668  2.940956
  [8]  4.238159  5.017374  3.818236  2.928805  2.262183  1.757765  1.633945
 [15]  2.295130  3.454054  4.035224  3.193967  2.533181  2.012406  1.600836
 [22]  1.652155  2.428678  3.642827  4.019545  3.209473  2.563617  2.048347
 [29]  1.637041  1.828952  2.757842  4.050821  4.147013  3.316503  2.652490
 [36]  2.121535  1.696934  2.027763  3.107366  4.429670  4.160178  3.327950
 [43]  2.662237  2.129710  1.703717  2.158095  3.337039  4.582359  3.905901
 [50]  3.124690  2.499732  1.999772  1.599810  2.130893  3.302622  4.336081
 [57]  3.468857  2.775081  2.220062  1.776048  1.560859  2.169537  3.348081
 [64]  4.170552  3.336440  2.669151  2.135320  1.708256  1.648859  2.374217
 [71]  3.624091  4.248563  3.398850  2.719080  2.175264  1.740211  1.826122
 [78]  2.704749  4.056438  4.437309  3.549847  2.839878  2.271902  1.817522
 [85]  2.053994  3.107875  4.548436  4.600601  3.680481  2.944385  2.355508
 [92]  1.884406  2.273248  3.490148  4.949898  4.584409  3.667527  2.934022
 [99]  2.347217  1.877774
> Kalm = function(x,O1,O2,O3,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,t,ga){
+ t=array(c(1+ga*O1+t/O1*(-(1/T2)-(1/T3)-(1/T1)),t/O1*(1/T2),t/O1*(1/T3),
+ t/O2*(1/T2),1+ga*O2+t/O2*(-(1/T2)-(1/T4)),t/O2*(1/T4),
+ t/O3*(1/T3),t/O3*(1/T4),1+ga*O3+t/O3*(-(1/T3)-(1/T4)-(1/T5))),dim=c(3,3));
+ h=0.5;
+ r=array(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1),dim=c(3,3));
+ q=1;
+ v=r*q*t(r);
+ a=10.14286;
+ z=array(c((1/T1),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,(1/T5)), dim=c(3,3));
+ p=array(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1),dim=c(3,3));
+ pn=array(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1),dim=c(3,3));
+ kal=KalmanSmooth(x, list(T=t,Z=z,h=h,V=v,a=a,P=p,Pn=pn), nit=0)
+ kal}
> Kalm(deb,4,.5,5,.7,.1,2,3,4,1,0.65)
Error in as.vector(data) : Argument "S1" is missing, with no default
First I thought I had to make a timeserie of deb. But this doesn't change the problem.
Lot's of thanks trying to help me. 
Best regards,
Pieter Hazenberg
Student Hydrology and Watermanagement
Wageningen University
The Netherlands

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