[R] Re: Rmetrics 191.10057

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sun Jul 4 18:07:09 CEST 2004

Many thanks to Diethelm for the new Rmetrics release 191.10057, and to the
CRAN masters for including it in the archive.

I have updated the initial packages that had been prepared for and included
in Quantian, and just completed uploading them to Debian's incoming/
directory. As brand-new packages, they will have to wait the customary ten
or more days until the ftpmasters insert them into the archive.  Once that
has happened, they will be apt-get'able from you favourite mirror.

In the meantime, you can fetch sources and i386 Debian packages manually
(sorry, no apt-get support here) from

Happy 4th of July,  Dirk	

White House officials praised the performance of the controversial 
new Diebold electronic voting machines, which successfully tabulated 
final results from Florida before a single vote was cast.
          -- Andy Borowitz, http://borowitzreport.com, 29 June 2004

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