[R] Beginner troubles.

Roger D. Peng rpeng at jhsph.edu
Thu Aug 26 20:46:48 CEST 2004

Your function is not vectorized.  See the FAQ 
(http://cran.r-project.org/doc/FAQ/R-FAQ.html), question 7.19.


Gaute B Strokkenes wrote:
> I'm new to R.  Having read through a good chunk of "An Introduction to
> R" I'm trying to use R to do some relatively straight-forward
> (mathematically speaking) stuff.
> I have a file which contains the coordinates of a set of points in
> R^3, with one point per line (i.e. three real numbers).  The aim is to
> read that file in and produce the set of all the distances between all
> possible different pairs of points in that file.  So I try:
>>a <- read.table("FL_BR14.xyz")
> [1] 329   3
>>A <- function(i) a[i, ]
>          V1       V2       V3
> 1 -1558.364 16.97055 1004.381
>>d <- function(x, y) sqrt(sum((x - y) * (x - y)))
>>outer(1:length(a[, 1]), 1:length(a[, 1]), function(u, 
>     v) d(A(u), A(v)))
> Error in outer(1:length(a[, 1]), 1:length(a[, 1]), function(u, v) d(A(u),  : 
> 	dim<- : dims [product 108241] do not match the length of object [1]
> This last error has me stumped.  Could anyone give me a pointer in the
> right direction?

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