AW: [R] built-in Sweave-like documentation in R-2.x

Khamenia, Valery V.Khamenia at
Mon Aug 9 17:23:21 CEST 2004

> See the 'Writing R Extensions' manual, specifically 
> Creating R Packages -> Writing package vignettes

thank you, i saw this entry. However, this entry is rather 
about how to include documents (in particular Sweave-based) 
into a package. But I have meant smth else.

Let me explain in example. Today I use emacs as 
environment for my R-sessions. I am quite happy to 
use Sweave, but not happy, that there is no good 
possibility to run some selected *part* of the R-code.
Indeed, the R-chunks are alternated with 
Latex-chunks in Sweave. So, if one would like to 
execute, say, three consequent R-chunks (C-c C-r in ESS-mode), 
then the corresponding Latex-chunks between the 
R-chunks will cause "side-effects". Actually, it is
because neither ESS nor R could accept Latex-chunks
and the markup symbols of Sweave. This makes interactive 
work in .Rnw files not fully convenient.

Making the above short: would it be a bad idea to
allow Latex-friendly documentation chunks in 

Thank you.

P.S. I am sorry if i missed something well-known 
concerning the subj.

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